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The Two Types of Surgical Abortion

The Two Types of Surgical Abortion

Many of us are aware that there are two main types of termination, the abortion pill and surgical abortion, but you might not be aware that there are actually two different types of surgical procedure that can be used to end a pregnancy. Your doctor will help you to understand your options when you visit the abortion clinic in London for the first time, but it can sometimes help to have an idea of what is available beforehand.

Surgical Termination (STOP)

The procedure that is generally referred to as a surgical termination is the main abortion procedure used to end pregnancies between 9 and 18 weeks. It is a surgical procedure because it takes place in an operating theatre, but it doesn’t require any incisions to be made. Instead, a thin tube is passed up into the womb through the cervix and the contents is removed by suction. The procedure itself only takes a few minutes but patients usually spend a few hours at the abortion clinic in London recovering from the general anaesthetic.

Manual Vacuum Aspiration

Although the STOP procedure is the main form of surgical termination, a different surgical procedure called manual vacuum aspiration is also available at the abortion clinic in London. MVA can be carried out up to 12 weeks, but it is usually only recommended if taking the abortion pill or having a surgical abortion isn’t an option. The MVA procedure works in a similar way to STOP, but the suction is applied using a manual vacuum rather than by a machine. The procedure can take up to quarter of an hour to complete and it is done under a local anaesthetic, so you will be awake if you choose to have this type of termination. However, MVA can be a good option if you are unable to take the abortion pill but you don’t want to wait until nine weeks to have a surgical termination.

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